POD Can Be Good Passive Income

Names For Your Product Or Service
Your product or service name is a powerful asset that customers should be able to associate with. It should be interesting and easy to remember and pronounce. It should reflect what your marketing demographic should expect from you.
I will skillfully name your product or service using research and simple marketing techniques. My names are meaningful, appealing and distinctive. They project the message that brand owners want to convey to potential customers. They also can help to keep your brand uppermost in the minds of previous customers.
Using a questionnaire that you complete, I create names that are tailored to your needs and as unique as possible. I don't use any naming software or scan expired domain lists because those names were not created for your distinctive needs.I have created unique names for clients at Fiverr and Picky Domains and my reviews are all 5-star. Visit my Business Branding category at Printaphoria to order now. I look forward to beginning my research for your new product or service names.
Printaphoria Business Branding
Artsy Craftery Design Studio

How To Write A Poem
You can write poetry and become good at it. Whether you write for yourself, to give to others or to sell, you should start writing and keep writing. If you don’t know how to start, begin by deciding how many lines you want to have in your poem.
In my poem, The Sky Through Bare Branches, I decided to write two stanzas (paragraphs) with five lines each. The lines in this poem do not rhyme, but are free-flowing thoughts. This is called free verse. I also decided that the first line of each stanza (paragraph) would be one long thought and the same thought. This gives my poem continuity. I wrote the other lines as broken up but related thoughts.
I love seeing the sky through bare branches.
I don’t know what it is, but
The white limbs of
The paper birch look silvery
Against the azure blue.
I love seeing the sky through bare branches.
As the scattered leaves
Shiver stiffly in
The cold gust,
I bid fall ado.
I wrote what I was thinking and except for the first lines in each stanza (paragraph), I broke my thoughts into short sentences. I substituted similar words along the way that I thought sounded better for the flow. If you keep writing poems, over time you will feel and develop your own flow.
In the beginning you will sometimes edit your poems heavily. Eventually, you’ll need to do very little editing. You will train yourself to write your thoughts into lines of poetry in the way that you want them to be read.
In Blue Winter Sky, I chose to write three stanzas (paragraphs) of four lines each, and this is a rhyming poem. If you want your poem to rhyme, decide on which lines you will rhyme, or the format. You can choose any rhyming format, but some formats are harder to rhyme. You will be rhyming the last words in lines.
Rhyming the first and fourth lines in a stanza (paragraph) is an example. You can even rhyme the first and third lines, and the second and fourth lines in the same poem. This is quite a challenge. My favorite poet, Robert Frost, often rhymed the first, second and fourth lines, leaving his third lines to stand alone.Sometimes your thoughts will lean towards a certain rhyming format. I chose the third and fourth lines (the last two lines) in each stanza of Blue Winter Sky. This is a less common rhyming format.
The winter sky is very blue,
As I look out in disbelief
That winter sky could be so rich
In color blue, while trees are sticks.
I stand and gaze on wintry scene,
With brilliant blue across the sky,
With air so very crisp and cold,
With skeletal trees so black and bold.
The sky is such a lovely blue.
On Heaven's canvas Nature's brush
Has deftly added glorious hue,
Has placed her artist skill on view.
More Poetry Writing Tips:
~ The rhyming words do not have to be spelled similarly, like bold, cold, sold. They only need to sound similar, like hue, view, dew or rich, sticks. You can also rhyme words with different numbers of syllables, like bold, behold, untold.
~ If you can’t think of a word to rhyme with any line, search online for words that rhyme with the word that you're trying to rhyme. You can also buy a rhyming book if you plan to continue writing poetry and would like a handy reference.
~ Capitalize the first word of each line (sentence) of your poems, even if it is a continuation of the previous line (sentence).
~ Use punctuation to help the reader pause and stop to take a breath here and there, according to the flow of your poem’s message.
~ Most of all, write what you want. Poetry is about what you think, feel and know. There will be others who can relate and will appreciate what you have written. If someone does not like or understand what you have written, thank them for reading and keep writing and sharing.
~ Your work is not meant for everyone. Value your thoughts and your poetry and don’t change your style to please others. Insist to yourself that you have something to write and that it is valuable and keep writing!

Why Are Etsy Sellers On Strike Yet Again?
Etsy sellers launch a week-long strike over increased fees was written by Jaclyn Diaz and reported today at NPR.org. Many sellers have launched a week-long protest by closing their shops and other actions. This is in response to the recent in a long line of fee increases announced by CEO Josh Silverman. Seems like 59,000+ shop owners have signed the petition. A quick web search will show results for strikes during each of the past few years.
I don't feel that Etsy morale will improve for disenchanted handmades sellers. Somewhere along the way, during the past 12-15 years, Etsy management felt that to stay afloat they had to expand away from pure handmade support. They added a complicated fee system and have raised prices so often and by such a high percentage that it has crushed not only the bottom lines but the spirits of many handmade sellers. I closed my shops at Etsy a couple of years ago but not because of changes at the site. Sometimes I miss being there. It's at times like this that I'm glad I left though, which makes me feel sad. It was exciting to be a part of Etsy, back then.
Artfire and others folded and it seems like Etsy is having to take drastic steps
every year to remain viable. These decisions have invited in questionable resellers and consistently driven away Etsy creatives. I was at Zibbet when years ago there was a mass exodus of
Etsy sellers to that selling venue in response to insufferable changes.
Most of them returned to Etsy when Zibbet did not deliver what they were
expecting. Sellers need to seriously ask themselves if any selling website will fulfill their expectations. If not, what is the best course of action for their brands?
the popularity of Etsy seems bleak for many, others are
realizing what I had begun to feel some time ago. The best business
practice for the future of creating and making is to learn how to market
and sell from your own web spaces. There are still a few venues left
where the income of the creative is not gouged. One of them is Payhip. Another is Meylah. Find Meylah store setup info here.
to self-promote and sell from our own blogs and online shops will
provide peace of mind to start, which will go a long way in generating
income. It is difficult to focus on creating good products and
effectively marketing them when there is misery about the selling
platform and constant fear of what will come next. It can be bad for the creative psyche to be in an atmosphere that has become increasingly riddled with controversy.

Be Flexible Be Successful
It's so hard for some to keep on keeping on with their plans, projects and dreams. When we love something and truly believe in what we are doing, we can't stop, anyway. Success also comes through the ability to adjust and adapt. While we're pressing on and never giving up, we need to be flexible in order to succeed.
Behind every successful man there's a lot of unsuccessful years. Bob Brown
You have to accept yourself in order to be successful. S. Holland

Book Funnel Definition Sales Funnel Stages
A book or sales funnel is a marketing method designed to lead visitors and potential customers to a purchasing decision. It is composed of several processes that may include a landing page. While a landing/sales page and a book funnel can work together, they are also different.
book funnel landing pages can be annoying with their in-your-face
graphics, popups and extensive length. They lose the potential customer long before the visitor reaches the end. Landing
pages, however, are only as good as the writer of the book funnel.
Potential customers often need to be led on what to think and how to think it. Sometimes they seek but do not follow through when they find what they desire. Sales funnels can lead them through the steps to obtain what they are seeking, which are the published products that you and I are offering. Learn how to skillfully create effective book/sales funnels for your written products here:
Book Funnel Optimization: Essential Tips to Convert Leads into Paying Readers

How To Do Keyword Research Book At Amazon
Now at Amazon in Kindle and paperback format.
Simple Keyword Search That Even You Will Feel Like Doing
Find the PDF version at Printaphoria:
Simple Keyword Search PDF Book
Learning and using keyword search doesn't have to be expensive, tedious or frightening. In Simple Keyword Search That Even You Will Feel Like Doing, you'll learn to conduct fast, free and easy keyword phrase searches. If you:
- have never done keyword research,
- are not sure what it is,
- have no idea where to start
- but know you need to,
then this simple, keyword phrase search guidebook is for you.

What Are Landing Pages Used For?
Have you ever considered creating a landing page for your product or service? A good landing page definition is an online page where potential customers are presented with detailed product info that will motivate them to buy.
To get my feet wet, I've decided to learn to create an effective landing page for my first ebook. I recently published it at my shop: Simple Keyword Search That Even You Will Feel Like Doing.
What Are Landing Pages In Marketing?
Landing pages and sales pages are similar. Sometimes, they are called funnel landing pages or sales landing pages in marketing. While landing pages are usually shorter and more brief than sales pages, both are used to steer potential customers to buy.
CopyBlogger Media says:
A sales page and a landing page are both crafted specifically to encourage people to convert. While landing pages are virtually the same as short-form sales pages, long-form sales pages tend to be more detailed than a typical landing page.
What Is A Book Funnel Definition?
A book funnel or sales funnel is also a marketing tool but it encompasses both types of pages. It can include links to any number of landing and/or sales pages. These are all used as strategic conversion tools. They are ways to convert visitors, browsers and lurkers into buyers.
EmailDrips shares about funnels:
It’s a strategy used to take readers on a journey to convert them into paying customers. Typically, the funnel is like a book with the same function as a normal sales funnel. So inside the funnel, there are links to strategic pages to the website, newsletter opt-in, or sales page. A book funnel is a great way to build relationships with your readers, even after they read your book.
Since a landing page can be the beginning of designing a book funnel, I will be studying Abs Farah's article on Book Funnel Optimization: Essential Tips to Convert Leads into Paying Readers. Abs is one of the founders of Payhip, a selling platform where you can offer digitals, physicals, memberships, subscriptions and courses.
Implementing savvy marketing tools like landing pages, sales pages and sales funnels doesn't have to be overwhelming. There are many free and easy to follow resources online.

Creative People: Donald Roberts On Being A Successful Creative
I met writer Donald Roberts in an eCommerce group that is hosted by Payhip, the London-based, selling platform. Because of his experience hacking out a self-publishing career, he has some straight talk for aspiring creatives. His message sums up as do what it takes and keep doing it!
To enter in to the arts as a future the first thing you must do is teach yourself the discipline of dedication. You must focus on your writing and any art that goes with it no matter what form you wish to call it. You must understand that creation is only the first step. The business of the arts, in order to make an income is as demanding as the art itself.
You can not set schedules, I'll work from ? time to ? time. Nor can you work entirely on inspiration. You must always understand your story at least in the department of the imagination.
To be an artist/writer you will discover it is a lonely life. You can't play with your friends like you would with any other job.
Personally, I work 18 hours a day, not consecutively but several at a sitting, coming up for air, food, coffee and visits and adventures with my partner. She is and artist as well and we do make some sort of effort to go off together to refuel our relationship.
Outside friends have to wait until we are between projects and not burdened down with the business of artistship.
So, if you can't dedicate 80% of your life to the disciplines of art...go find a job that allows you more free time.
Finally, while you are starting out you need money, which means you need a job to make money to pay the bills. Make it a no-brainer job with as few hours involved as possible....just enough to survive. If you work hard, someday it is possible to make a living...and independent publishing is the best. I suggest you find someone who will promote your work for a small percentage. Promotion is a time glutton.
Barrie Island Graphic Storyteller
Donald is a self-employed mystery and sci-fi writer who lives in Ontario.

Roberto Blake On Successful Brand Deals
When asked if he finds it more difficult, as a person-of-color graphic designer and Youtube creator, to obtain brand deals in comparison to others, he replied,
Not really but I’ve also built a system for brand deals...I also do better on brand deals than most Creators my size or larger regardless of their background, due to my ability to negotiate and package my deals.
While discrimination is often endured daily by many of us, his successful focus is on evaluating how to deliver more value to the clients/customers whom he does acquire.
While I'm not aspiring to produce and upload YT videos (the unpopular slideshows format works better for my schedule), I love Roberto's content. He's clear, engaging and relevant. This is not the first time that I've written about him.
I like making a pit stop at his channel to see what he's currently sharing. I am also a graphic designer but I don't freelance. I prefer to design pre-made products and services. Roberto produces many videos with inspiring content that can apply to any creative pursuit.
Check out his YT channel and website for great info on boosting the success of your brands.
About Roberto Blake
Roberto Blake is dedicated to building the creator economy through helping creators and influencers build brands and businesses online. Learn how to monetize your creativity and skills, grow an audience, sell products, monetize YouTube videos, make money online, and build a personal brand. He has grown his Youtube channel to over 500,000 subscribers.
Find Roberto Online
Interested In Sponsoring Roberto Blake And Sharing Your Brand With His Viewers?
725 Ponce De Leon Ave
ATTN WeWork Roberto Blake 2nd Floor
Atlanta GA, 30306

One Tip For Blog Growth
Online a lot and wondering why your blog following is not growing? Reduce your time posting at forums, groups and social sites and devote more of it to posting at your blog. In an attempt to drive readers to your website, you are squandering precious content at other places. Even simple, short comments can be published as asides at your blog. At the very least, you should be copying over the comments into blog posts. Ideally, you could originate the comments at your website.
Consider This: Maybe you need to spend more time drawing readers rather than driving readers. To do this, you need to be at your blog.

Optimizing The New Facebook Business Pages
Their focus is on changing how we use a Page. I like these 2 points:
- Focus more on educational rather than promotional content.
- Join and interact in FB groups with your business page.
Are Facebook Pages Still Useful in 2020?
Another great post on optimizing Facebook Business Pages is this article from Tripepi Smith. The 2022 new pages transition is discussed and tips on optimizing the new design are shared.
Follower count is now rounded up and it seems that page likes are no longer displayed. Some business features, such as jobs and appointments, are no longer available.
Facebook’s New Pages Experience 101
Steps To Creating A Facebook/Meta Business Page
Create A Free Business Page In Minutes
What To Know Before You Create A Facebook Business Page

Success Comes From Within
Often, sellers ask is anyone making sales at this or that site? Is this site good for sales? Do you get a lot of traffic and sales at this venue? Long-lasting success is not based on the website or selling venue or any other entity or person. Sustainable success happens according to the person's unfailing commitment, acquired knowledge and savvy efforts.
Unless you got in on the ground floor, even Etsy is no longer a venue where you are likely to list products, do nothing and get sales. Nowadays, new Etsy shops have to promote themselves ceaselessly to obtain regular sales. Etsy used to be the go-to venue to list creations, do nothing much and rake in the sales.
Earlier in Etsy's history, a person could join and by virtue of the traffic alone selling success could be had. Because of the changes in the purpose and direction of the owners, competition is now so varied and stiff that even those with great products have to pull their own weight in marketing. This is something that sellers should have always been cultivating. Why? Because that type of self-generated success is lasting.
To successfully market and promote our brands, we have to believe in what we do and believe in ourselves. We have to see value in all of it and we have to be determined to show others that value. Sometimes, we have to change products and direction or reevaluate our goals.
If we don't possess that do-or-die attitude, we will depend on others and their websites to give us success. Eventually, we'll quit. If this is the case, them maybe we should not have been pursuing this type of success anyway. Maybe it was always just a fleeting hobby that we mistakenly saw as a driving purpose.
A creative person who is driven and burning with the love of creating and the determination to show others the value of it will work tirelessly. They will press on until they find the correct techniques and products or services to get that point across. Like they say, a good seller can sell ice to Native Alaskans.
We should all want sustainable success, rather than success that is attached to any one e-commerce site. If a website begins to fail or if the owners take a direction that is no longer compatible with our beliefs, we can leave and take our success with us. Without fear, we can take self-built, sustainable success where ever we go.
Success =
- Unfailing Commitment
- Acquired Knowledge
- Savvy Efforts.

Effective Ebook Cover Design
Need inspiration for your ebook cover? Payhip owner Abs Farah has written a blog post on effective ebook cover design. There are some excellent examples to motivate you to think more creatively about the first page that your potential customers will see. It's the cover but it is really the first page that helps lead readers to the other pages inside.
My favs are The Future of Data, for its simply-important design, The Burger Book, for strikingly-crisp photography, Pay Me Or Else, for its ransom note journaling design, which is a technique that I use in altered art, and Attention-Driven Design, for that smart graphic with the arrow pointing the eye in a persuasive direction.
Ebook cover design is no less important than paperback and hardback cover design. This post will help you to focus on how the design, whether simple or complex, should cleverly and effectively illustrate your manuscript.
10 Inspirational Ideas For Ebook Design by Abs Farah