Friday, June 9, 2023

Weekend Greetings & Seashells!

I like the sound of ocean surf but, for some reason, was never big on shore living. I prefer lake-space living, especially since I enjoy fresh-water fishing and lake flora and fauna.

The one thing that I absolutely love about being at the ocean shore is collecting shells. No matter how fine or coarse, how light or dark the sand, I can always find interesting shells to use for decor and crafting. There's something special about scavenging these brilliant, neutral-toned sea-life homes as the surf ebbs and flows around me feet.

I also enjoy collecting bits and pieces of driftwood. They make lovely, rustic windchimes and other decorative hangings and decor.



Saturday, May 20, 2023

Poetry About Your Dreams On 33 Products

If you've ever woken up but didn't want to because your dream was too good to leave it, then you'll relate to this poem about dreaming.

Shower Curtain Moon
If you love dreaming and all that has to do with dreams, you will like my new design featuring my poem, What If We Could Live In The Places In Our Dreams?

Comforter With Stars
What if we could live in the places in our dreams?

The places that we miss.

The places that we love.

Blank Card With Moon And Stars

The places that make us feel alive.

Wall Art With Dream Poem

There would be no reason to come back.

Dream Wall Art

But for now, we can only visit.


Art Print Lady Moon Stars

You can find this alluring design on 33 print-on-demand products here: 

What If We Could Live In The Places In Our Dreams 

Grace your home with memories of your lovely dream places!

ACDStudio at Redbubble


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Tell The Potential Customer What To Think

This tag line or blurb that Artful Home uses 
Art and apparel for your extraordinary life,
illustrates the marketing technique of insinuating to your potential customers how to think. This is important because more than buying a product, shoppers are buying an experience. They want to feel like the product is implying. 
When a customer buys at Artful Home, even if their life is not that great they are being told that their life is extraordinary. They will be inclined to believe it and make more purchases to get that feeling. At least, that is the goal of suggestive marketing.
