Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Names For Your Product Or Service

Your product or service name is a powerful asset that customers should be able to associate with. It should be interesting and easy to remember and pronounce. It should reflect what your marketing demographic should expect from you.

I will skillfully name your product or service using research and simple marketing techniques. My names are meaningful, appealing and distinctive. They project the message that brand owners want to convey to potential customers. They also can help to keep your brand uppermost in the minds of previous customers.

Using a questionnaire that you complete, I create names that are tailored to your needs and as unique as possible. I don't use any naming software or scan expired domain lists because those names were not created for your distinctive needs.

I have created unique names for clients at Fiverr and Picky Domains and my reviews are all 5-star. Visit my Business Branding category at Printaphoria to order now. I look forward to beginning my research for your new product or service names.

Printaphoria Business Branding

Artsy Craftery Design Studio


Monday, October 17, 2022

How To Write A Poem


You can write poetry and become good at it. Whether you write for yourself, to give to others or to sell, you should start writing and keep writing. If you don’t know how to start, begin by deciding how many lines you want to have in your poem. 

In my poem, The Sky Through Bare Branches, I decided to write two stanzas (paragraphs) with five lines each. The lines in this poem do not rhyme, but are free-flowing thoughts. This is called free verse. I also decided that the first line of each stanza (paragraph) would be one long thought and the same thought. This gives my poem continuity. I wrote the other lines as broken up but related thoughts.

I love seeing the sky through bare branches.
I don’t know what it is, but
The white limbs of
The paper birch look silvery
Against the azure blue.

I love seeing the sky through bare branches.
As the scattered leaves
Shiver stiffly in
The cold gust,
I bid fall ado

I wrote what I was thinking and except for the first lines in each stanza (paragraph), I broke my thoughts into short sentences. I substituted similar words along the way that I thought sounded better for the flow. If you keep writing poems, over time you will feel and develop your own flow.

In the beginning you will sometimes edit your poems heavily. Eventually, you’ll need to do very little editing. You will train yourself to write your thoughts into lines of poetry in the way that you want them to be read.

In Blue Winter Sky, I chose to write three stanzas (paragraphs) of four lines each, and this is a rhyming poem. If you want your poem to rhyme, decide on which lines you will rhyme, or the format. You can choose any rhyming format, but some formats are harder to rhyme. You will be rhyming the last words in lines. 

Rhyming the first and fourth lines in a stanza (paragraph) is an example. You can even rhyme the first and third lines, and the second and fourth lines in the same poem. This is quite a challenge. My favorite poet, Robert Frost, often rhymed the first, second and fourth lines, leaving his third lines to stand alone.

Sometimes your thoughts will lean towards a certain rhyming format. I chose the third and fourth lines (the last two lines) in each stanza of Blue Winter Sky. This is a less common rhyming format.

The winter sky is very blue,
As I look out in disbelief
That winter sky could be so rich
In color blue, while trees are sticks.

I stand and gaze on wintry scene,
With brilliant blue across the sky,
With air so very crisp and cold,
With skeletal trees so black and bold.

The sky is such a lovely blue.     
On Heaven's canvas Nature's brush
Has deftly added glorious hue,
Has placed her artist skill on view.

More Poetry Writing Tips:

~ The rhyming words do not have to be spelled similarly, like bold, cold, sold. They only need to sound similar, like hue, view, dew or rich, sticks. You can also rhyme words with different numbers of syllables, like bold, behold, untold.

~ If you can’t think of a word to rhyme with any line, search online for words that rhyme with the word that you're trying to rhyme. You can also buy a rhyming book if you plan to continue writing poetry and would like a handy reference.
~ Capitalize the first word of each line (sentence) of your poems, even if it is a continuation of the previous line (sentence).

~ Use punctuation to help the reader pause and stop to take a breath here and there, according to the flow of your poem’s message.

~ Most of all, write what you want. Poetry is about what you think, feel and know. There will be others who can relate and will appreciate what you have written. If someone does not like or understand what you have written, thank them for reading and keep writing and sharing. 

~ Your work is not meant for everyone. Value your thoughts and your poetry and don’t change your style to please others. Insist to yourself that you have something to write and that it is valuable and keep writing!


Monday, October 3, 2022

You Are Creative!

A friend of mine recently penned this inspiring statement about the creativity that lives in all of us.

Life is one great creative manifestation. You may think you don't have a creative side; yet you don't need to be an artist to live in a creative life. You are innovative and can think of so many new ways to do all sorts of things. Your inventive, creative side can be as simple as creating a special recipe or at work in doing a spreadsheet a new easier way. The importance of CREATIVITY in this life is that it allows you to express yourself. Your self-expression is "ONE OF THE GREATEST DIVINE GIFTS YOU OFFER OUR WORLD." -Evann Woodard


The greatest hindrance for most people in releasing their creativity is the fear that it will not resemble the work of others enough. There is also the lingering hurt from being ridiculed or laughed at when creativity was shared. Very few of us can maintain our confidence after experiences like that. Many people also feel that they have to produce fine artist-level work in order to be authentic.

The manifestation of our inner creativity is for ourselves first. It is to first please ourselves. There are things that you can do. You can create something that was not there before. You can take something and alter or enhance it so that it doesn't look the same as it did before. The greatest consideration is that it be important and valuable to you.

Next, your creativity is for whomever can and will appreciate it. Rather than attempting to coerce some to accept our work, we should surround ourselves with those who appreciate our efforts without having to beseech them. 


The old saying is valid, A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. If a person does not appreciate our work, their hearts will not change through our begging. This is important in both our private and social lives. We should improve where we want to and can and go where our work is admired and appreciated. 

Yes, you have creativity within. You are creative. You can create. Believe in yourself. Protect your creativity. Let it come out, in private if you have to at first. Always remember, don't throw your creative pearls before swine, because they will be trampled upon. If you feel that you must share your work in the beginning stages, show it to those who are inclined to be compassionate, kind and appreciative of the skills of others. Whatever type of creativity you choose to explore, maintain your confidence and keep creating!
