Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Self-Publish Or Submit To Publisher?

If you've ever wished you could publish a book but always feel discouraged, it's not beyond you to realize your dream. Self-publishing today is easier than ever. Years ago, I feebly tried pursuing the submitting manuscripts for review. My heart was never in the process of begging agents or publishers to accept my manuscripts.

I discovered self-publishing decades ago simply by brainstorming what I wanted to do that I didn't want anyone else to do for me. I did not want to have my content chopped and edited into something that did not reflect me.

I did not want to be employed through giving over my content into partial ownership with publishing houses. I did not want to be told what to do and how to think about my own publications.

Yes, there's a price to pay for choosing not to pursue publishing houses. If we can write a blockbuster, a bestseller, we could become wealthy through the payouts from a major publishing house. If, however, we are not seeking that, then there is not a price to pay for choosing the self-publishing route. There is a price to pay for not self-publishing.

When I condensed what I wanted to do as a writer, I realized that publishing wasn't the rigid process that I thought it had to be. I understood that publishing was open to me to do it however I wanted to, in a way that suited me. I perceived that I would not break any laws by finding ways to publish and market my own ebooks, paperback books and hardback books.

James Dillehay shares the many positives of publishing your own books in his article,

Self-Publishing vs Submitting Manuscript to a Publisher


Read about James remarkable journey here:

About James Dillehay


If you are a crafter/maker, learn how to increase your links, traffic and sales through James' website:



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Monday, March 7, 2022

Hot Pink Hearts Background And Printable Paper

This breathtakingly bright and rich printable paper is one of my hand-painted Hearts designs. I developed a green process to create the patterns by painting onto scrap paper with leftover paint from other art projects. The bright fuchsia pink and the deep golden yellow are perfect complimentary hues. Use this gorgeous design in a variety of applications.

Click Buy Now below, or visit Printophoria Shop for more single printable papers.




What Are Landing Pages Used For?

Have you ever considered creating a landing page for your product or service? A good landing page definition is an online page where potential customers are presented with detailed product info that will motivate them to buy.

To get my feet wet, I've decided to learn to create an effective landing page for my first ebook. I recently published it at my shop: Simple Keyword Search That Even You Will Feel Like Doing.

What Are Landing Pages In Marketing?

Landing pages and sales pages are similar. Sometimes, they are called funnel landing pages or sales landing pages in marketing. While landing pages are usually shorter and more brief than sales pages, both are used to steer potential customers to buy.

CopyBlogger Media says:

A sales page and a landing page are both crafted specifically to encourage people to convert. While landing pages are virtually the same as short-form sales pages, long-form sales pages tend to be more detailed than a typical landing page.

What Is A Book Funnel Definition?

A book funnel or sales funnel is also a marketing tool but it encompasses both types of pages. It can include links to any number of landing and/or sales pages. These are all used as strategic conversion tools. They are ways to convert visitors, browsers and lurkers into buyers.

EmailDrips shares about funnels:

It’s a strategy used to take readers on a journey to convert them into paying customers. Typically, the funnel is like a book with the same function as a normal sales funnel. So inside the funnel, there are links to strategic pages to the website, newsletter opt-in, or sales page. A book funnel is a great way to build relationships with your readers, even after they read your book. 

Since a landing page can be the beginning of designing a book funnel, I will be studying Abs Farah's article on Book Funnel Optimization: Essential Tips to Convert Leads into Paying Readers. Abs is one of the founders of Payhip, a selling platform where you can offer digitals, physicals, memberships, subscriptions and courses.

Implementing savvy marketing tools like landing pages, sales pages and sales funnels doesn't have to be overwhelming. There are many free and easy to follow resources online.
