Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resources. Show all posts

New Resources Section At PCL

A new section has been added to RESOURCES: Forums/Groups/Social. The first entry added is the crafting website GetCrafty. What they say about themselves:

Welcome to the Arts & Crafts Forum at Our site is a friendly community dedicated to all things Arts & Crafts related, just some of the subjects we cover here are: Crafts, Paper Craft, Crafting, Kids Crafts, Craft Ideas, Christmas Crafts, Crafts for Kids, Craft Supplies, Craft Shows, Halloween Craft, Easy Crafts and more.

This website is active. I counted 23 posts made today and at least 7 yesterday. As with most social sites today, spam proliferates. Bypass the posts on egg donation, cryptocurrency and sports betting and pick out the creative threads that inspire you.


Free Image Monday: Hearts Backgrounds & Printable Papers


Today's free image is a cotton-candy pink, distressed hearts background or printable paper. The dimensions are 3600 x 3600 px and it is a JPEG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jEh7cZxgMnDK89XS?e=yNWLjM

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is also a delightful hearts background in bokeh reds, peaches, oranges and white. The dimensions are 1920 x 1920 px and it is a JPEG file.

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jEfaWoTg4UrU-ksi?e=UyW1fK

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




I suggest that you edit the images or add them to your own designs to make them unique to your brand. This is important especially if you are using them in products that you are selling. 

After all, free images may be currently used, as is, by any number of sellers. Editing them or adding them to your own designs will help prevent your potential customers from confusing you with another seller.

You want your customers to return to your shop because what you have is unique. Don't lose them to another shop because they mistakenly thought they were buying from you because the products have duplicate designs. 

I share images from the Web and from my own studio. While I cannot guarantee that my internet-obtained, free images are copyright free, I only share images that are labeled on the internet as being for personal and commercial use, without need for a commercial license, compensation or attribution. You can always do your own research on any free image that you obtain from Printaphoria & Creative Living.

Image Sources:


Free Image Monday: Hearts Tree


Today's free image is a hearts tree graphic in reds, peaches, pinks, melons, corals and brown colors. The dimensions are 1920 x 1343 px and it is a JPEG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jEB4bhtyTd7brsW3?e=dKeGFb

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a sweet, whimsical light blue-colored bird carrying a heart-embellished envelope in it's beak. The dimensions are 1920 x 1162 px and it is a PNG file.

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jD8bNaH_LCNUmI0D

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




I suggest that you edit the images or add them to your own designs to make them unique to your brand. This is important especially if you are using them in products that you are selling. 

After all, free images may be currently used, as is, by any number of sellers. Editing them or adding them to your own designs will help prevent your potential customers from confusing you with another seller.

You want your customers to return to your shop because what you have is unique. Don't lose them to another shop because they mistakenly thought they were buying from you because the products have duplicate designs. 

I share images from the Web and from my own studio. While I cannot guarantee that my internet-obtained, free images are copyright free, I only share images that are labeled on the internet as being for personal and commercial use, without need for a commercial license, compensation or attribution. You can always do your own research on any free image that you obtain from Printaphoria & Creative Living.

Image Sources:


Roberto Blake On Successful Brand Deals

When asked if he finds it more difficult, as a person-of-color graphic designer and Youtube creator, to obtain brand deals in comparison to others, he replied,

Not really but I’ve also built a system for brand deals...I also do better on brand deals than most Creators my size or larger regardless of their background, due to my ability to negotiate and package my deals.

While discrimination is often endured daily by many of us, his successful focus is on evaluating how to deliver more value to the clients/customers whom he does acquire.

While I'm not aspiring to produce and upload YT videos (the unpopular slideshows format works better for my schedule), I love Roberto's content. He's clear, engaging and relevant. This is not the first time that I've written about him. 

I like making a pit stop at his channel to see what he's currently sharing. I am also a graphic designer but I don't freelance. I prefer to design pre-made products and services. Roberto produces many videos with inspiring content that can apply to any creative pursuit.

Check out his YT channel and website for great info on boosting the success of your brands.  

About Roberto Blake

Roberto Blake is dedicated to building the creator economy through helping creators and influencers build brands and businesses online. Learn how to monetize your creativity and skills, grow an audience, sell products, monetize YouTube videos, make money online, and build a personal brand. He has grown his Youtube channel to over 500,000 subscribers.

Find Roberto Online

Youtube Community

Youtube Channel 

Awesome Creator Academy 

Roberto's Youtube Starter Kit

Interested In Sponsoring Roberto Blake And Sharing Your Brand With His Viewers?

725 Ponce De Leon Ave
ATTN WeWork Roberto Blake 2nd Floor
Atlanta GA, 30306 





Blogger Email Follow Replacement Svcs

In seeking a replacement for the discontinued Feedburner email follow widget, I've been seeking a free-to-start, easy to use email mktg platform. I've seen ConvertKit recommended often, along with MailChimp. MailChimp has been moving away from being known primarily for email marketing, so I'm not sure how simple they have remained.

I took a peek at Mailchimp and saw plans titled Marketing Platform and Transactional Email. Just that quick look-around made me feel tired. ConvertKit's pricing page is straight-to-the-point, easily understood, at least to me, and shows many features for the free tier.

I subscribed to Peggy K's weekly newsletter to see how she does it, although I'm not sure I want to take on the extra work of newsletter production. I just want an easy way for my readers to follow by email.

Peggy K writes about a variety of tips and tricks for creators on many platforms. She chose to use Revue, a newsletter platform acquired by Twitter, to replace Feedburner's terminated RSS to email svc.

If you are interested in exploring newsletter sharing, you can read about Peggy K's overview of svcs here: Alternatives To Feedburner's RSS To Email SVC She overviews not only newsletter svcs but also RSS to email svcs.


Free Image Mondays: Hearts


Today's free image is A watercolor and ink heart in delicate but bright, pastel colors of turquoise, teal, white, pea green and taupe. The dimensions are 1920 x 1789 px and it is a JPEG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jD3DtpcNey8ZDG0g

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a black and white hearts doodle including stars, dots, blossoms, pinwheels, loops and curls. It would make a jazzy, tiled background. If painted in with bright colors it would be reminiscent of Peter Max's 70's style. The dimensions are 1280 x 1920 px and it is a JPEG file.

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jD5996pRxs07IUqD

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are copyright-free and public domain for personal and commercial use, no fee, no license, no attribution needed. I have gathered them from around the internet and some of them are my own graphics and photos. Print out or use digitally.


Optimizing The New Facebook Business Pages

In this still relevant, late 2020 post, Brandastic shares some points on how to make the new Facebook Business Pages work for your brand. 

Their focus is on changing how we use a Page. I like these 2 points:

  • Focus more on educational rather than promotional content.
  • Join and interact in FB groups with your business page. 
Read the full article here:

Are Facebook Pages Still Useful in 2020?

Another great post on optimizing Facebook Business Pages is this article from Tripepi Smith. The 2022 new pages transition is discussed and tips on optimizing the new design are shared.

Follower count is now rounded up and it seems that page likes are no longer displayed. Some business features, such as jobs and appointments, are no longer available.

Facebook’s New Pages Experience 101


 Steps To Creating A Facebook/Meta Business Page

Create A Free Business Page In Minutes  

What To Know Before You Create A Facebook Business Page



Different Can Equal Dollars


I've never seen pink pumpkins! Rachel at Scrapcraftastic was confident enough to create some.

Don't be afraid to try something different. Brainstorm. Think outside of the box. What have you searched for and couldn't find? Can you develop and market it? It just might be your cash cow!

This pink pumpkins printable paper is a freebie at Scraptastic .

From The Website: ***All Scrapcraftastic printables are for personal, non-commercial use ONLY unless otherwise noted. Please do not share or redistribute these files.


Free Image Mondays: Candles & Flowers


Today's image is tealights in blush pink, heart-shaped, glass candle holders around a cut glass bowl of flowers. The dimensions are 1920 x 1280 px and it is a JPEG file. 


Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jDd0CuR9EVFLokw9

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a watercolor and pen painting of rose blossoms arranged in a heart shape. The dimensions are 1280 x 1920 px and it is a JPEG file.

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jDnHuMJgRzao_-UJ

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are copyright-free and public domain for personal and commercial use, no fee, no license, no attribution needed. I have gathered them from around the internet and some of them are my own graphics and photos. Print out or use digitally.


Free Image Mondays: Pink Marshmallows & Red Roses

Today's image is hands in pink gloves and a pink fleece jacket cupping a pink cup of hot chocolate with big, pink, heart-shaped marshmallows. The dimensions are 1920 x 1280 px and it is a JPEG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jDjvGI9b7JtX2Fsh

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a photograph looking down on the tops of a bunch of red, red roses. The dimensions are 1280 x 1920 px and it is a JPEG file.

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jDrBJxvxocwO17DX

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are copyright-free and public domain for personal and commercial use, no fee, no license, no attribution needed. I have gathered them from around the internet and some of them are my own graphics and photos. Print out or use digitally.


Payhip Tools Increase Sales

One of the best features of the Payhip Store Builder is the ability to add listings to more than 1 category. I have never run across this tool in my years of online selling. Etsy does not even have it. I can't recall if eCrater or eBlueJay does. I know that I was always wishing that the feature was available when I was selling on various venues.

This multiple-listing-category tool is valuable in that it puts products in view of visitors who might not otherwise see them. They may visit one category not realizing that what they are seeking is in another one. Sometimes they look around, sometimes they don't. They may go to one category and leave. Many of my listings can be added to up to three related categories. This tool can certainly increase sales.

Always something good to discover at Payhip.

See the design of my Printaphoria shop. I have a domain name so my shop address does not use the Payhip sub-domain name anymore. I use Payhip added the ability to connect our shops to our domains in 2021.

See Payhip FAQs

Payhip Blog has a great articles on how to sell and increase sales.


Payhip is trusted by over 130,000 sellers from across the world and is a successful venture.

Start selling your digitals, physicals, memberships/subscriptions and coaching services at Payhip today!


Free Image Mondays: Chocolates, Cookies & Cocoa


Today's image is a red heart box of luscious Valentine's chocolates on a table besides a red glass vase with creamy roses. The dimensions are 1920 x 1280 px and it is a JPEG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jDZDainAdzkd6IO6

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a photograph of a pink, polka-dotted mug of whipped cream-topped cocoa and a plate of iced heart cookies on a snow-topped table outside on a wintry day. The dimensions are 1280 x 853 px and it is a JPEG file.

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jDVj__kwzSO_JaF6

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are copyright-free and public domain for personal and commercial use, no fee, no license, no attribution needed. I have gathered them from around the internet and some of them are my own graphics and photos. Print out or use digitally.


Free Image Mondays: Red Hearts

Today's image is a rustic, white-washed, wood panels background with 5 red paper hearts clipped with clothes pins on a string. The dimensions are 1920 x 1280 px and it is a JPEG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jDI8eYHXMempRIJ8

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a photograph of red, fabric-wrapped hearts outlines hanging outside among bare branches on a crisp, late winter day. The dimensions are 1280 x 853 px and it is a JPEG file.!AucUJVHYQ3s5jCZz6PKOwqSJfEbX?e=HXkTbH

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jDEYARUD-lizJsyT

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are royalty-free for personal and commercial use, no fee, no attribution needed. Print out or use digitally.



Free Image Mondays: Fireworks











Today's image is a colorful, fireworks graphic. The dimensions are 1920 x 1871px and it is a PNG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jC4lI10ZtKRIPiTO

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is 9 styles of snowflakes. The dimensions of the files are 1920 x 1920 px (each snowflake clipped separately will be smaller) and it is a PNG file.!AucUJVHYQ3s5jCZz6PKOwqSJfEbX?e=HXkTbH

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jC8RslRk7wZlY_tG

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are free for personal and commercial use, no license, no fee, no attribution needed. Print out or use digitally.


Free Image Monday


Today's image is a colorful, vector-style graphic of Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus. The dimensions are 1920 x 1010 px and it is a PNG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jCdTlciT7GImzdmb

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a photograph of a Nativity scene or creche. The dimensions are 5472 x 3053 px and it is a PNG file.!AucUJVHYQ3s5jCZz6PKOwqSJfEbX?e=HXkTbH

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jC16o3B5dZaujXxk

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are royalty-free for personal and commercial use, no fee, no attribution needed. Print out or use digitally.


Christmas Week Printables Sale

All products in the Seasonal & Holidays-Winter category are on sale through Sunday, 12/26. The coupon code is 25OffChristmas. Add it in the coupon code box in your cart when you check out.

Printaphoria accepts Paypal and you don't need an account. Just use the card of your choice.

Newest Printaphoria Product And Included In The Sale

Joy To The World The Lord Has Come And Hark The Herald Angels Sing Glory To The New Born King Twin Set Printable Word Art For Wall, Tabletop, Mantle, Buffet, Counter

Joy To The World, Hark The Herald Angels Sing Printable Art Set 

For Each Design You Will Receive 5 (five), 300 Dpi Image Files In Various Sizes For Sharp, Clear Printing


Thanks For Visiting PRINTAPHORIA!

If you are interested in finding a free venue to sell digitals, printables, ebooks, subscriptions, coaching and memberships, as well as physical products, take a look at Payhip.




Free Image Mondays: Christmas Graphics Panel


Today's image is a panel of green Christmas graphics. The dimensions are 1920 x 1280 px and it is a JPEG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jCQ8kwrKY8IFaoB8?e=zWvaYe

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a close up of Christmas tree branches filled with white, gold and tan ornaments. The dimensions are 1920 x 1130 px and it is a JPEG file.!AucUJVHYQ3s5jCZz6PKOwqSJfEbX?e=HXkTbH

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jCZz6PKOwqSJfEbX?e=btvxhP

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are royalty-free for personal and commercial use, no fee, no attribution needed. Print out or use digitally.


Free Image Mondays: Three Wise Men

Today's image is a Three Wise Men silhouette. The dimensions are 940 x 1280 px and it is a PNG file. 

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jBta684gMz_kXovc?e=pXTtwn

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


The bonus image is a silhouette of an ancient middle eastern city. The dimensions are 1808 x 1920 px and it is a PNG file.

Download It Here From My Files At Microsoft OneDrive:!AucUJVHYQ3s5jBw-9c7Xxh7uqiMQ?e=AcZbT3

Then click the download link at the top of the OneDrive page.


Comment if you have problems getting the images.




All Free Image Mondays pics are royalty-free for personal and commercial use, no fee, no attribution needed. Print out or use digitally.

