Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivation. Show all posts

Roberto Blake On Successful Brand Deals

When asked if he finds it more difficult, as a person-of-color graphic designer and Youtube creator, to obtain brand deals in comparison to others, he replied,

Not really but I’ve also built a system for brand deals...I also do better on brand deals than most Creators my size or larger regardless of their background, due to my ability to negotiate and package my deals.

While discrimination is often endured daily by many of us, his successful focus is on evaluating how to deliver more value to the clients/customers whom he does acquire.

While I'm not aspiring to produce and upload YT videos (the unpopular slideshows format works better for my schedule), I love Roberto's content. He's clear, engaging and relevant. This is not the first time that I've written about him. 

I like making a pit stop at his channel to see what he's currently sharing. I am also a graphic designer but I don't freelance. I prefer to design pre-made products and services. Roberto produces many videos with inspiring content that can apply to any creative pursuit.

Check out his YT channel and website for great info on boosting the success of your brands.  

About Roberto Blake

Roberto Blake is dedicated to building the creator economy through helping creators and influencers build brands and businesses online. Learn how to monetize your creativity and skills, grow an audience, sell products, monetize YouTube videos, make money online, and build a personal brand. He has grown his Youtube channel to over 500,000 subscribers.

Find Roberto Online

Youtube Community

Youtube Channel 

Awesome Creator Academy 

Roberto's Youtube Starter Kit

Interested In Sponsoring Roberto Blake And Sharing Your Brand With His Viewers?

725 Ponce De Leon Ave
ATTN WeWork Roberto Blake 2nd Floor
Atlanta GA, 30306 





Different Can Equal Dollars


I've never seen pink pumpkins! Rachel at Scrapcraftastic was confident enough to create some.

Don't be afraid to try something different. Brainstorm. Think outside of the box. What have you searched for and couldn't find? Can you develop and market it? It just might be your cash cow!

This pink pumpkins printable paper is a freebie at Scraptastic .

From The Website: ***All Scrapcraftastic printables are for personal, non-commercial use ONLY unless otherwise noted. Please do not share or redistribute these files.


Inspiration Tuesday


What is it that you have been wanting to do, that you can simplify in concept, to make the process available to you, to start to do it where you are in life right now?


Success Comes From Within

Often, sellers ask is anyone making sales at this or that site? Is this site good for sales? Do you get a lot of traffic and sales at this venue?  Long-lasting success is not based on the website or selling venue or any other entity or person. Sustainable success happens according to the person's unfailing commitment, acquired knowledge and savvy efforts.

Unless you got in on the ground floor, even Etsy is no longer a venue where you are likely to list products, do nothing and get sales. Nowadays, new Etsy shops have to promote themselves ceaselessly to obtain regular sales. Etsy used to be the go-to venue to list creations, do nothing much and rake in the sales.

Earlier in Etsy's history, a person could join and by virtue of the traffic alone selling success could be had. Because of the changes in the purpose and direction of the owners, competition is now so varied and stiff that even those with great products have to pull their own weight in marketing. This is something that sellers should have always been cultivating. Why? Because that type of self-generated success is lasting. 

To successfully market and promote our brands, we have to believe in what we do and believe in ourselves. We have to see value in all of it and we have to be determined to show others that value. Sometimes, we have to change products and direction or reevaluate our goals.

If we don't possess that do-or-die attitude, we will depend on others and their websites to give us success. Eventually, we'll quit. If this is the case, them maybe we should not have been pursuing this type of success anyway. Maybe it was always just a fleeting hobby that we mistakenly saw as a driving purpose. 

A creative person who is driven and burning with the love of creating and the determination to show others the value of it will work tirelessly. They will press on until they find the correct techniques and products or services to get that point across.  Like they say, a good seller can sell ice to Native Alaskans.

We should all want sustainable success, rather than success that is attached to any one e-commerce site. If a website begins to fail or if the owners take a direction that is no longer compatible with our beliefs, we can leave and take our success with us. Without fear, we can take self-built, sustainable success where ever we go. 


  • Unfailing Commitment
  • Acquired Knowledge
  • Savvy Efforts.
Success comes from within.


Be Flexible And Adjust For Success


Press on in the thing that you love to do.

If you love it, you won't stop. 

If you don't love it, change it.

Be flexible and adjust to what your heart is telling you.

Don't lose time, effort and money on something that you don't love.

Success comes to those creatives who are determined and flexible. 

Failures are teaching grounds.

Failures are clues about changes to make.

Failures are tools to use to our advantage.

Failures are vital and critical keys to success.

Stay awake!

Pay attention!




Ira Glass Uplifts The Creative

THE GAP by Ira Glass from Daniel Sax on Vimeo.

Stuck in a slump and not creating? Fearful that your work may never be good enough?

Watch Ira Glass's video, a mesmerizing, motivating and inspiring message about the gap between what we may be creating at any point with our hands ~ versus ~ what our minds may be creating.

Find more info about Daniel Sax, the man who shared Mr. Glass' vid, here at Vimeo

